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En Primeur Offers from Vintage Port Shop


What is En Primeur?

Also known as Wine Futures, En Primeur refers to the process of buying wines before they are bottled and released onto the market. Wines are purchased exclusive of Duty and VAT and then usually shipped 2-3 years after the vintage. They can only be purchased by the unmixed case (12 bottles, 24 half bottles, 6 magnums etc.).

Why buy "En Primeur"?

The opening En Primeur price is almost always considerably cheaper than the future price of the wine on the open market. En Primeur can also be the only way to secure wines that are available in very limited quantities

What exactly do I pay?

The price of the wine is exclusive of Duty and VAT (but inclusive of shipping and insurance). Once the wines arrive in the UK, Duty and VAT can be deferred further if the wine is stored 'in bond' in a registered bonded warehouse. If it is possible that you may re-sell your wines later, it is advisable to store them under bond.

How much is Wine duty?

Current Duty Rates (March 2017) are:

What does "In Bond" mean?

When the vintage is bottled and delivered to Vintage Port Shop in the UK, the cases are held initially in a bonded warehouse. This means that no UK duty or VAT has been paid on the wine. If you request the wine to be delivered to you (anywhere in the EU) then duty and VAT will be payable by you in addition to the price. You can keep the wine in bond, and we can arrange storage for you.

Can Vintage Port Shop Store the Wines in bond for me ?

Our in bond wines are stored at LCB Dinton Woods, We are able to store them for a charge of approx £13 + VAT per year/ case of 12 (subject to change). You can elect to transfer them to your own account for which there is a small administration charge levied by LCB.

Current Offers

We have no current Gifts.