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6 products found.

Martinez Vintage Port, 1908

Vintage Port, DOC Douro - Mid Shoulder shipped by Whitwhams wines Ltd

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Price: $1,319.39 USD
Stock: 1 in Stock

Taylor's Port, 1908

Vintage Port, DOC Douro
Top Shoulder Level
Recorked 25/1/78 at Whitwhams Wines Limited

Learn more about Taylor’s
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Price: $2,950.40 USD
Stock: 1 in Stock

Taylor's Port, 1908

Vintage Port, DOC Douro
Level- in neck | Hankey & Bannister Bottling
Unlabelled | Embossed capsule

Learn more about Taylor’s
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Price: $3,573.63 USD
Stock: 1 in Stock

Taylor's Port, 1908

Vintage Port, DOC Douro
Top Shoulder Recorked 25/1/78 at Whitwham's Wines Limited

Learn more about Taylor’s
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Price: $2,950.40 USD
Stock: 1 in Stock

Tuke Holdsworth, 1908

DOC Douro, Believed to be 1908. Records show there was a Tuke Holdsworth produced and sold in 1908 and bottled in 1910.

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Price: $1,319.39 USD
Stock: 1 in Stock

Cockburn Port, 1908

Vintage Port, DOC Douro - recorked 8/2/78 at Whitwhams Wines Limited Level top shoulder. | rewaxed capsule

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Price: $3,573.63 USD
Stock: Out of Stock