1945 Port Vintage Report

The 1945 port vintage was the first end-of-war vintage. It was a superb quality five-star vintage, although the quantity produced was small. 22 shippers declared the vintage, with Cockburn being the only major abstention. The ports are now very rare but are still drinking well today, making them an excellent 76 year old wine gift for a birthday or anniversary this year.

26 products found.

Warre's Vintage Port, 1945

Vintage Port

The 1945 Warre is a legendary port from an exceptional year. These bottles were acquired from a close relative of the Symington family where they were well-cellared from original purchase.

From the Wine Spectator…'This is like a deliciously fresh bowl of fruit. Medium red-ruby with a garnet rim, a nose of cranberries and cherries, full-bodied, with sweet cranberry flavors and a lovely balance of round tannins. A wonderful glass of Port.' (Jan. 1989)

Variable notes, including one framboise-scented, (in 1964), one woody. Showing marvellously well at the 1989 tasting of '45s in Florida: beautiful colour, lively, lovely gradation.
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Price: £1,650.00
Stock: 2 in Stock